October 22-26

September 12-16

July 18-22

July 3-7

June 27-July 1

May 16-20

May 2-6

27 Feb - 4 April




Sept 29--Oct 2

June 20--26

June 7--11

June 7--10

April 19-23

26 February



Topology Retreat 2.0, Będlewo

Operator Algebras Mini-Symposium, 8 ECM, Portorož, Slovenia

Special Week on Operator Algebras at East China Normal University, Shanghai

Interactions between expanders, groups and operator algebras, Universität Münster

C*-algebras and geometry of groups and semigroups, University of Oslo

Columbia Geometric Topology Seminar




University of Oxford

Concentration Week on Group Stability and Expanders, University of Copenhagen

Graduate Mini-school in Groups and Dynamics, UT Austin

Applied Topology, Będlewo

Operator Theory 28, Timisoara

Operator Algebras and Dynamics of Groups, CIRM Marseille

C*-algebras and the geometry of groups and semigroups, University of Oslo

Geometric Structures in Group Theory, MFO Oberwolfach

November 13-17

October 9-13

September 4-8

August 30-September 1

July 31-August 4

June 12-16

February 17-25




Masterclass, University of Copenhagen

Totally disconnected locally compact groups: local to global, Universität Münster

Spanish + Polish Mathematical Meeting, University of Łódź

Coarse geometry and dynamics, ENS Lyon

Special Week on Operator Algebras, East China Normal University, Shanghai

Non-commutative Geometry Festival -- Guoliang Yu's 60th, Washington University, St. Louis

Conference on Functional Analysis and Related Topics, IIT Bombay

October 14-16


July 8-12

June 16-20

January 1-12



Group actions and representations together with Random Matrix Theory, Polish Academy of Sciences

Analytic and Arithmetic Groups, HHU Düsseldorf

Universität Potsdam

Ergodic group actions and unitary representations

Zariski dense subgroups, number theory and geometric applications, ICTS Bangalore



September 8-12

July 7-11

June 30 - July 4

May 25-30

May 16-18

Operators, Graphs, Groups, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK

Spectral Gaps, Portoroz, Slovenia

Metric Embeddings, AIM, Pasadena, USA

Martin Bridson's 60, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Functional and Metric Analysis and their Interactions, BIRS workskop, University of Granada

Jankowski Lecture Conference